Frequently Asked Questions
What types of insects are attracted to Insect-O-Cutor insect light traps and Guardian glueboard flytraps?
There are very few types of flying insects which are not attracted to near-ultraviolet black light. Thus, there are very few flying insects which are not attracted to Insect-O-Cutor fly lights.
How large an area will an Insect-O-Cutor flytrap cover?
Coverage by a particular flytrap depends upon many factors. Among these factors are: types of insects; competing light and other attractions; air temperature and movement. A general rule of thumb is to locate Insect-O-Cutor insect traps and electronic fly killers so that insects need not be attracted more than 35 to 40 feet.
Do Insect-O-Cutors meet O.S.H.A. requirements?
Yes, when installed in accordance to Insect-O-Cutor recommendations and specifications, and in compliance with governing authorities, bureaus, and agencies. In the U.S., refer to the current edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC).
What is the life of an Insect-O-Cutor insect light trap or flytrap?
Fifteen, twenty, or more years... with proper maintenance.
During what hours should Insect-O-Cutor ILTs and scatter-free glueboard units operate?
Insect-O-Cutor ILTs and scatter-free glueboard units for interior applications should be allowed to operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, during the flying insect season.
How long will the black light lamps last in an Insect-O-Cutor ILT or EFK?
Although insect attracting fluorescent lamp tubes will continue to emit visible light for several years, emission levels of near-ultraviolet black light will drop below acceptable levels after approximately nine months of use. It is strongly recommended by Insect-O-Cutor as well as the lamp manufacturers that lamp replacement be made on an annual basis.
Is there much maintenance required for flytraps?
Other than lamp replacement (which should be performed at least annually), Insect-O-Cutors should be cleaned periodically. This constitutes brushing debris from the grid kill area, emptying the collection drawers, and wiping exterior surfaces with a dampened cloth.